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A word of Arabic origin that designates the taking in charge of an orphan by a person who undertakes to provide for his or her needs. Our specific definition is the taking in charge of an orphan by a person who pays a minimum of $50 CAD per month for a period of at least 3 months. The person may also periodically inquire about the child’s situation, including physical and psychological health, schooling and, in short, everything related to the child’s well-being. The person may take charge of several orphans.

A word of Arabic origin that designates the sponsor of an orphan through Alkafala. Our specific definition is to sponsor an orphan by paying a minimum of $50 CAD for a period of at least 3 months.
The Alyatim project for orphans is designed on the basis of innovative systems, as opposed to the traditional systems of proceeding in the field of aid to Destitute Orphan Children (DOC). It represents a radical change in mentality, in the way aid is conceived and delivered. Aid is not limited to meeting short-term needs, but takes a holistic, integrated approach to ensuring continuity of service and guiding children towards a better future.
  • Screening of sponsorship applications at source by local support staff
  • Rigorous evaluation of applications submitted
  • Direct forwarding of donations received in complete security and transparency to the people in charge of the orphans, without any intermediaries.
  • Field follow-up by support staff to check, among other things, the situation of the sponsored children (state of health, school results…)
  • Continuous communication and involvement of sponsors in the progress of the sponsored children
  • Solicitation of other types of aid granted by professional volunteers (teachers, doctors, pharmacists..)

Any child, girl or boy, under 18 years of age, resident in Canada, who has lost a biological parent and is living in extreme poverty.

The selection of beneficiaries is rigorous and impartial. First, the application is filled in and submitted by our field supervisors. They have also completed the 4-hour “Becoming an Alyatim Companion” training course. The training is offered by our offices in Morocco and Canada. The application is then selected and prioritized by Board members at a special selection meeting, using an evaluation grid based on the family’s social-financial parameters.
  • Fill out the “Become Alkafil”
  • Send the completed form: By email: Or by mail: 582, Curé Vermette, Laval (QC), H7V1S2 – Canada.
An administrator from the ALYATIM association will contact you to:
  • Propose you a list of Orphans waiting for Alkafala
  • Assign you an orphan to take care of
  • Prepare payment terms
Yes, but the orphan pool is sorted according to their state of need. First, those with a “red” color code attached to their profile represent a high priority (critical condition). Then there are those with an “orange” color code in second place, and finally those with a “green” color code.
At the first meeting with our administrator, you will have access to all available information, including the photo and the orphan’s information verification report. However, to protect your privacy, only basic information will be provided.
Yes, the orphan’s telephone number or address will be given to you after consultation with his or her family or guardian.
Yes, but we strongly recommend that you do so via the association, in order to reduce the transfer costs that could result, and to keep the orphan in the pool should you stop your sponsorship.
For orphans living in Morocco, the amount is transferred to the bank account of our main partner in Morocco. This partner deposits the equivalent amount in dirham, according to the current exchange rate, directly into the bank account of the orphan, his/her family or his/her guardian.
For the sake of transparency, we have chosen this model to eliminate the middleman and reach orphans in more remote geographical areas using the network of postal accounts (in particular “Barid Almaghreb”, which is located in several semi-isolated areas). In addition, having a bank account gives these vulnerable families a sense of satisfaction and dignity.
Yes. At Alkafil’s request, a bank statement showing the deposit of his donations into the orphan’s bank account will be sent to him.
No. All administration and money transfer costs will be borne by the association. The donation will be passed on in full to the orphan.


Initially, these costs will be covered by the members of the Board of Directors. Then, donations categorized as “Donations for the project” will be collected to cover these costs and expand the range of our services.