Association Alyatim vous souhaite Ramadan Karim 2022 1443
Au service des orphelins
serving orphans since 2015


Sponsored orphans

Help us surpass this number and make a difference

Ma scolarité mon avenir
3rd edition
A better future for our orphans

Continue to support the schooling of our orphaned children and offer them a better future by contributing to the 3rd edition of the My Education My Future project

Eye exam campaign 3rd edition 2023
Transforming lives by correcting eyesight

De nombreux enfants orphelins souffrent de troubles de la vue non diagnostiqués et non traités, ce qui peut entraver leur éducation et leur développement, grâce à vos dons nous pouvons changer cette situation !


Our mission

Providing children with essential needs (health, water, food, clothing, home and education) and enabling them to enjoy a better childhood and future.

Support our cause

Every donation counts, even the smallest

What greater reward than helping an orphan get back on his or her feet after the departure of his or her main source of support and affection? Act now.

You’re in a foreign country and don’t know where to give your Zakat? Give an orphan a smile by using your Zakat.

You can contribute an amount of $5, $10, $20 or $35 per month, with which we will finance special projects for our beneficiaries.

Our current projects

We need your help, so support one of our projects today to help families and children in need. Even a small donation can make a huge difference.

Our achievements

Let’s take a look at the projects that have been made possible thanks to your donations. Together, we make a great team!

Be part of our family

Join our team, together we can change the world!

Why Alyatim?

Let’s discover it together with this video, or click on this button to learn more about our history.